Picture this. Your boss tells you that they need to be out of town next week and would like for you to attend a networking event in their place. How do you react? If you’re like most, you will dread the day as it draws nearer. Because seriously. Who likes to network?

Well, some people do and most people don’t. Our clients regularly say to us that they “can’t find the time” or they don’t want to appear fake or phony.

Yet, the benefits of building your network can’t be disputed. We see it with our clients time and time again–people who actively work to expand and engage with their networks have greater job and career success. The stats only support this argument, with at least 80% of open positions being filled through networking (and this includes internal promotions!)

So, what’s a networking skeptic to do?

1. Change your mindset. Instead of “what can this person do for me?” engage with professional connections on a human level. Remember that you want to build connections when you don’t need to ask for help.

2. Nurture your connections. Don’t let that great conversation become a faded memory. Follow up via email, text, or LinkedIn within a day or two, and try to stay in touch.

3. Schedule time for networking. Dedicate time to network. Think of it as being part of your job and block time on your calendar each week.

So turn that networking frown upside down and think of it as a great way to make new connections and maybe even some friends! And now that we’re on the topic of networking–make sure to follow or connect with me on LinkedIn. I love to network!